Instant display of complete file information for each selected file. Icon-extraction, multifile time-stamping and attribute-stamping. A large suite of useful commands added to the standard file context menu, including Copy To, Move To, Copy Filename with Path, Copy File Properties, Copy Icon, Batch Rename.

Can highlight (configurable colors) folders in treeview. Can define favorite folders and drop on favorites. For each file and folder, the (real!) disk space used is immediately displayed. Show folder sizes right in the file list. Export extended file informations of whole directories/trees to CSV-formatted files. Various sorts of file system reports (to clipboard, file, and printer). Features: File search supporting Boolean logic, Regular Expressions, pattern matching, and binary string search. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name. See change log (about 1.5 MB).XYplorer is a portable multi-tabbed file manager featuring a powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and an array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. That way you can have theĭrag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limitedĬan’t prove it but this drag-and-drop context menu popped after a left-drag (holding down CTRL and SHIFT): Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding downĬTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. The black diamond ◆ makes folders (where the extension column is always empty) neatly stand out.įake Right-Drag-and-Drop. To do this click the button Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Configure.: You can freely configure what is shown in which kind of empty cell. Now enable the Empty Cell Defaults by ticking Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Use empty cell defaults.

Without Empty Cell Defaults a listing might look like this: It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. The marking of the different types ofĮmptiness can actually serve a better overview.Įmpty cells are cells without content. Version offers easy ways to fill the void. If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this